
Register at Transcare Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for healthcare providers and students


Are you a healthcare provider or a healthcare student? Meet Transcare projects’ open-access, educational platform!

Transcare projects’ consortium (Improving Access to Healthcare for Transgender Individuals)  has created an open-access, educational platform (Massive Open Online Course – MOOC) for healthcare providers and students. The platform contains information about transgender reality, equal access to healthcare for transgender people, creating inclusive healthcare systems, and specific healthcare matters. The educational material is based on relative research that the consortium had conducted, with participants of the material’s target groups.

  • Registration in the platform is needed and it is free.
  • The platform follows the participant’s pace. The estimated duration of the program is 4 -6 weeks with an effort of 4 -6 hours a week.
  • A participation certificate is provided after concluding 75% of the program.

By creating this free educational material, Transcare project aims to create a better informed medical environment for transgender people and to educate healthcare providers on transgender rights and needs, in order for them to provide their service without discrimination, with acceptance and inclusiveness of everyone.

Register at the educational platform here: